الاثنين، 12 يناير 2015

SMB's to spent $37billion on Traditional Marketing,$12 billion on Digital

digital media to form 30% of total marketing spends

SMB Spending on Local Media to Exceed $50 Billion in 2015

 Local advertising media spending by (SMBs) will reach $50.4 billion in 2015, representing 35.8% on total local media spending according to Research firm BIA/Kelsey  

.SMBs will allocate $37.7 billion of their local media spend to traditional media and $12.4 billion to digital.The Reason for the shift  in digital which now makes 30% of the media spends  indicates that " local marketing is increasingly powered by local searches and local ad spends .. while national spends involve more media allocation  to traditional media like TV, Magazines and Newspapers 

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