الأربعاء، 11 فبراير 2009

Ingenieria de Software para Dummies

Esta es mi propuesta pedagogica para la enseñanza de la ingenieria de software, por supuesto nació de mi experiencia personal, pero tambien de mano de las excelentes personas y docentes que he tenido durante mi vida laboral y académica.

الخميس، 5 فبراير 2009

Zumba Lumba - Is it the first of April?

Zumba Lumba has got to be some form of viral marketing ploy or an early April Fools joke.

If you watch the video it claims that you will be able to text and send emails purely through voice recognition.

If any one's ever tried to use spinvox and experienced the shocking "translations" of voicemail messages into text I cannot imagine what untold damage will be caused by emails appearing as gibberish or worse still apparently correct but with totally different meanings.

A nice sci-fi idea, but real? Nah I don't think so, not this year or next for certain.

Google Latitude - Open invite for thieves?

Is Google Latitude a security risk?

If someone got into your account they could tell when you or your contacts are not at home.

This is somewhat similar to the scam where if you write your home address on your holiday luggage label unscrupulous people can at their leisure liberate you of your worldly possessions.