الثلاثاء، 29 سبتمبر 2015

Why now is the time to become a Certified Ethical Hacker

 By Sarah Morgan

Cyber criminals are using increasingly more advanced technologies to breach the security of high-profile businesses. The list of companies and institutions hacked now include Ebay, Sony, Target, AOL, the NHS and even the US Military. Even after such massive security scandals, some dating back almost 10 years, companies are only now realising how crucial IT security is to their success. 

Because of this, now more than ever, businesses want professionals who can demonstrate skills in ethical hacking. Read on to discover the reasons why there has never been a better time to become a Certified Ethical Hacker.

Large scale investment

According to Microsoft’s Digital Crimes Unit, 1 in 5 businesses have been the subject of a cyber-attack. This means it’s a matter of when, not if, more high-profile security breaches will happen. As a result companies are recruiting and training Certified Ethical Hackers to make sure it isn’t them. Because of this, demand for Certified Ethical Hackers continues to climb, almost indefinitely.

In addition, BT has recently launched an ethical hacking service for customers in financial services. This service is designed to help organisations in retail and investment banking to protect their business from security breaches and cyber-attacks. If other big businesses follow suit and begin to offer full-scale services like BT’s, the demand for Certified Ethical Hackers will increase significantly. 

With 1000s of jobs currently advertised, and the future growth potential, this is just one of the reasons why there has never been a better time for you to attain EC-Council' Certified Ethical Hacking credential.

Investment from small and medium businesses

It's not just global organisations investing in ethical hacking to ensure their names aren’t headline news for the wrong reasons. Small and medium businesses are increasingly realising the need to increase investment in IT security to future proof their business.

In recent interview with the BBC, Steven Harrison, Lead Technologist at IT services firm Exponential-e, states there can often be a knowledge gap between small business and industry giants. To bridge this gap, small businesses are increasingly investing in developing the skills of ethical hackers to tighten up their security. The goal is to prepare themselves as they expand into the cloud, social media and other advancing technologies. 

If you work for a small or medium business, now is a fantastic time to encourage your boss to invest in training you as a Certified Ethical Hacker.

Removing the stigma

When the title of “ethical hacker” was first mentioned, some businesses were cautious of employing those with the skills to hack their systems. For obvious reasons, businesses were reluctant to hand over the keys to their company’s security. They were fearful of disgruntled employees who knew every detail of their security systems and how to access their most sensitive data.

However, ethical hackers have proven time and again their value by protecting businesses from cyber-attacks that have devastating potential. Companies are also more aware of the rigorous background checks for criminal records and codes of conducts that all ethical hackers must pass and sign.

This is good news, as the types of attacks that are threatening businesses are becoming increasingly more common and complex. The best way to counter this threat is to employ a Certified Ethical Hacker to discover and patch weaknesses in security. 

The realisation of the worth of ethical hackers means more businesses are looking to employ and train Certified Ethical Hackers for protection. They are much more willing to open their doors to you.

Image courtesy of chanipipat at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

EC-Council Certified Ethical Hacker v.9.0

EC-Council recently released the new and updated version of the Certified Ethical Hacker certification. Because the CEH certification is the pinnacle in the field of ethical hacking, when the course is updated, it provides the latest knowledge and skills available. Version 9 is no different and has added new vulnerabilities and attack vectors. 

Now is the perfect time to bring your skills up to date and set yourself apart from other professionals.

Boost your security skills

The demand for Certified Ethical Hackers is only set to increase in businesses of all sizes. As technology continues to advance, so will the threats to the businesses using it. These businesses will need to protect themselves, one of the best ways to do that is through Certified Ethical Hackers.

So, insummery here is why there has never been a better time for you to become a Certified Ethical Hacker:

1. Big business are investing heavily in recruitment and training of Certified Ethical Hackers. The emergence of ethical hacking as a service ins only going to create yet more jobs.

2. Small and medium businesses are investing more in developing ethical hacking hacking skills, meaning you have more chance of improving your knowledge and skills.

3. Reduced stigma and a greater appreciation of the value of ethical hackers means more and more companies are opening their doors to Certified Ethical Hackers.

4. The release of CEH v9 means you can bring your skills up to date and be at the forefront of ethical hacking.

About the Author:        
Sarah writes for Firebrand Training on a number of IT related topics. This includes exams, training, certification trends, project management, certification, careers advice and the industry itself. Sarah has 11 years of experience in the IT industry. 

الاثنين، 28 سبتمبر 2015

337million Smartphones sold during Q2,2015, led by over 12% increase in chinese brands


Infographic: The State of the Global Smartphone Market | Statista
You will find more statistics at Statista

Buoyed by the increasing clout of the Chinese manufacturers, smartphone shipments according to IDC global smartphone shipments reached a total of 337 million units in the second quarter of 2015. According to IDC, it was the second best quarter on record, trailing only the 2014 holiday quarter, when vendors had shipped 375 million units. Chinese vendors continued to gain market share in the lower-cost segment. Samsung was the only vendor among the Top 5 to suffer a year-over-year decline in shipments and consequently saw its market share drop from 24.8 to 21.7 percent.

Chines brands Huawei, Xiaomi and Lenevo contributed over 15% of overall smartphone shipments this q2,2015

الخميس، 24 سبتمبر 2015

El poder de transformar construyendo tecnología

Este contenido fue publicado originalmente para el portal MujeresDigitales.org

La tecnología se ha convertido en esa herramienta casi mágica que nos permite hacer virtualmente cualquier cosa. Debido a esto muchas personas la usan cada día como una manera de progresar y cambiar el mundo de maneras inimaginables.

Hace bastante tiempo se me ha cuestionado y me he cuestionado cómo lograr que las mujeres se involucren en la construcción de software. Somos más consumidoras que creadoras; sin embargo, esta situación nada tiene que ver con lo que como mujeres estamos en capacidad de hacer.

En la aventura de buscar respuestas, entre encuentros y desencuentros con mis ideas sobre el tema, una de las explicaciones más comunes entre las mujeres ha sido tener intereses o motivaciones por temas diferentes, así que decidí contarles mi historia.

Mi sueño siendo muy niña siempre fue ayudar a otros. Escribía poesía, ganaba concursos de arte, vivía cantando y tocaba instrumentos musicales. Profesores y amigos se sorprendían al escucharme decir que estudiaba ingeniería informática. ¿Cómo pasó?, se preguntaban.
Escucharlos repetidamente, logró que yo misma me hiciera esa pregunta, pues hice una carrera técnica por azar. ¿Significaba eso que había dejado de ser yo misma? ¿Que había olvidado mis reales intereses o vocación? Afortunadamente, no fue así. Con el paso del tiempo y la madurez entendí lo que hoy comparto con ustedes: la tecnología se convirtió en mi aliada para alcanzar metas y sueños.

Me dediqué a enseñar, a transmitir mi conocimiento y pasión por lo que hacía, a otras personas; me encapriché con la idea de entender conceptos complejos para enseñarlos de forma sencilla; me enamoré de crear, de tener ideas y de poder hacerlas realidad en la pantalla de la computadora o celular de otra persona, toda mi creatividad y habilidades se transformaron en lo que hacía siempre, pero a través de la tecnología. Y seguía siendo yo misma.

Entendí lo que podía hacer y cómo podía transformar el mundo a mí alrededor, y al evaluar qué lo hizo posible, solo puedo decir que necesité decisión, voluntad y trabajo. ¿Acaso cualquier cosa que queramos lograr no lo requiere? ¿Verdad que sí? Creo firmemente que cualquiera de nosotras que tenga una idea o un sueño, puede valerse de la tecnología para alcanzarlo. Sencillamente puede hacerlo por sí misma ¡Se los garantizo!

Vanessa Hurst, fundadora de Girls Develop IT, me inspiró con algo que la escuché decir:"Creo que si alguien me hubiese dicho que el software trata realmente de humanidad, de ayudar a otra gente usando computadores, hubiese cambiado mi punto de vista mucho antes."

Como cualquier artista, un programador toma una realidad y la plasma a su manera. La tecnología en sus diferentes formas, no es un fin sino un medio, y si no sabemos cómo usarla como herramienta para potenciar nuestras ideas, tampoco sentiremos curiosidad alguna por entender de qué manera funciona o cómo podemos crearla. A muchas personas les fascina aprender por aprender, muchas otras nos conectamos más fácilmente con una idea que nos ayuda a alcanzar nuestros sueños, y quizá allí está la clave.

Un video promovido masivamente hace un tiempo en redes sociales muestra una situación particular respecto a un campo específico de la tecnología, "crear software", algo tan cotidiano, cercano y necesario, que a muchas les sorprendería saber que pueden hacerlo.

El video se inicia con una pregunta implícita "¿Cómo podría una niña o un niño querer ser algo que no logra entender?", entendiendo que lo mismo sucede con nosotras, las invito a verlo.

Algunas frases por rescatar en el video plantean ideas como que programar realmente no es muy diferente a tocar un instrumento o practicar un deporte, es algo que puede aprenderse, puede parecer muy intimidante pero muchas cosas son intimidantes. Programar es solo una manera de expresar creatividad, el único límite es la imaginación y no tienes que ser un genio para aprenderlo.

Las últimas décadas las mujeres hemos luchado de forma vehemente por la posibilidad de tener los mismos derechos, ocupar los mismos espacios, tener las mismas oportunidades. Hablar de todo esto es una invitación abierta, una manera de compartir que sí podemos hacerlo, cada una de nosotras puede, es cuestión de decidirse.

Existe una gran tendencia por invitar a la gente a crear cosas, en el ámbito de la construcción de tecnología no existen barreras que nos imposibiliten aprender, construir o transformar. Internet, el mismo lugar donde somos en mayoría consumidoras de tecnología, se encuentra poblado de iniciativas, herramientas, personas y comunidades, dispuestas y dedicadas a enseñar sobre cómo construirlo todo.

Empezar es tan simple como pensar en aquello que sueñas, e imaginar cómo lo resolverías con la misma tecnología que usas a diario. El paso siguiente sólo requerirá de toda tu decisión y amor por aprender, y de toda tu autoconfianza para saber que puedes lograrlo.

الجمعة، 18 سبتمبر 2015

Facebook Social Signal Tool could signal the death knell for print media

In what could be a " death knell to a already fledging newspaper  and print industry, Facebook introduced a social signal platform that allows journalists to discover,find and  embed news content    as it tries to  entice news reports and journalists " to  use Facebook as a content syndication tool as a vital part of their news gathering process

The tool, which pulls from both Facebook and Instagram, allows journalists the opportunity “to make Facebook a cornerstone  more vital part of their news gathering with access to relevant trends, photos, videos, and posts on Facebook and Instagram for use in their storytelling and reporting”
Announcing this in a  blog post Andy Mitchell, Director of Media Partnerships
Last week Facebook introduced its Mentions app to all of its verified profiles, allowing journalists and celebrities the opportunity to broadcast live video streams and create posts that only go out to their followers.
This annoucement follows Facebook launching its Mention App


Follow the brand : 20 facts and statistics about Uber

" The rise of the number of start up in history :amazing facts on Uber


There are over 13,400 taxis in NYC, of which anywhere from 67 to 85 percent of those on the road are driven by Uber one time.

Over a 24-hour period on July 19th there was an average of 3,198 drivers in New York City on Uber’s platform

The month of June saw 3,492,389 Uber pickups in NYC. While this pales in comparison to the 14,000,000+ trips provided a month by NYC yellow cabs,

  1.  Uber annual revenue $1,750,000,000 
  2. Number of Uber users 8,100,000 
  3. Number of Uber drivers 160,000
  4. Uber is present in 91 US cities
  5.  Median U.S. Uber driver annual income including tips $17,793 
  6. Median UberX driver income in New York who drives 40 hours per week $90,000
  7. Median UberX driver income in Dallas who drives 40 hours per week $60,000 
  8. Number of countries Uber services 50 countries
  9. Total number of cities Uber services 250 cities
  10. Average number of daily Uber trips 1,000,000 
  11. Average number of new drivers added to Uber monthly 50,000
  12.  Percent of the US population that has access to Uber 55% 
  13. Uber’s most profitable day : December 31st $11,000,000 
  14. Number of cities Uber operates in India 11 cities 
  15. Uber has completed 91,200 rides which has ended at the People’s Square in Shanghai, 
  16. If you combine all Uber trips in the past 5 years, the total distance is  a round trip to saturn
  17. Largest Uber Cities by Monthly Revenue Monthly Revenue 

    1. New York City $26,000,000 
    2. Los Angeles $14,250,000 c) 
    3. San Francisco $17,900,000 d)
    4. Chicago $12,550,000 e)
    5. Washington D.C. $11,700,000 

How SAP HANA is revolutionising retail forecasting and big data analysis


الأربعاء، 16 سبتمبر 2015

Azure Active Directory: Tomorrow’s Identity Management, Today

   By Debra Littlejohn Shinder

Identity and access management form the backbone of your network security plan, and now with the integration of on-premises and cloud-based services in a hybrid environment, organizations need a solution that will simplify user access to cloud apps and allow them to get to the resources they need no matter what type or brand of computing device they’re using. 

Microsoft’s answer to this is Azure Active Directory, which will not only enable your users to access your SaaS applications and Office 365 but also lets you publish your on-premises web apps so that they can be accessed from computers, tablets or smart phones running Windows, Android, iOS or OS X. 

Your on-premises Active Directory and other directory services can be synchronized automatically with Azure AD. You can sync users, groups and contacts to the cloud and Azure AD supports both directory sync with password synchronization and directory sync with single sign-on:

  • Directory sync with password sync: users can sign into Azure AD with the same username and password they use for accessing the company network.
  • Directory sync with single sign-on:  users can use their company AD credentials to access both cloud and on-premises resources seamlessly. You can even have single sign-on across multiple AD forests using Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS). 

All of this convenience doesn’t come at the cost of security. Users can enjoy all the benefits of single sign-on and administrators can breathe easy knowing that the access channels are secured. 

You have the option of enabling Azure multi-factor authentication to provide more protection for your sensitive and confidential data and applications, and security monitoring will keep you apprised of what’s going on with both your cloud apps and your on-premises apps. 

Active Directory integration tools, Azure Active Directory Sync and Azure Active Directory Synchronization Tool (DirSync) have been replaced by Azure Active Directory Connect, which encompasses their same functionalities and can be downloaded from the Microsoft Azure web site. This tool lets you easily connect your on-premises directories with your Azure AD via a wizard-based interface that will deploy and configure all of the necessary components for you. 

Credit: Microsoft Azure Directory

Azure AD Connect has three parts: Sync Services, AD FS and the health monitoring service (Azure AD Connect Health). AD FS is optional; it’s used to create a hybrid solution with your on-premises AD FS deployment. In order to install Azure AD Connect, you’ll need to have Enterprise Administrator credentials, along with a subscription to Azure and Azure AD Premium (or the trial version). You’ll also need an Azure AD Global Admin account and your AD domain controller needs to be running Windows Server 2008 or above. 

The installation wizard will help you to select the type of synchronization that’s best for your organization (password sync or single sign-on), then it will install the software components that are needed in order to deploy the type of synchronization you chose. After the components are installed, it will verify the integration of the on-premises and cloud directories to ensure that everything is working. 

By default, Azure AD Connect installs an instance of SQL Server 2012 Express, creates the appropriate groups and assigns the necessary permissions to them. However, if you want, you can use a SQL server that you already have. You’ll need to specify its name in the options configuration section of the wizard. You also might want to create an account for the sync services to use instead of using the default account, so that you can choose your own password. When you use the default, Azure AD Connect generates a password automatically and you don’t know what it is. Usually you won’t need to, but there are some advanced tasks that do require you to know and enter the password. 

The quickest and easiest way to integrate your on-premises and cloud directories is to use the Express installation option. It is for single-forest configurations and uses the password hash sync type so users can log onto the cloud with the same password they use for the corporate network. It’s a quick and simple process with just six steps. If you want more options, you want to go with the Custom installation, which lets you choose Federation with AD FS or password sync, lets you add more directories to sync, and gives you far more flexibility and control over identities and features such as Azure AD app and attribute filtering, password and user writeback, and more. Writeback means that password changes made in Azure AD and users created in Azure AD will be written back to the on-premises directory. 

Azure Active Directory brings your on-premises and cloud assets together for maximizing the benefits of both. You can find much more good information about Azure at www.cloudcomputingadmin.com.

Author Profile

Debra Littlejohn Shinder, MCSE, MVP (Security) is a technology consultant, trainer and writer who has authored a number of books on computer operating systems, networking, and security.

She is also a tech editor, developmental editor and contributor to over 20 additional books. Her articles are regularly published on TechRepublic's TechProGuild Web site and WindowSecurity.com, and has appeared in print magazines such as Windows IT Pro (formerly Windows & .NET) Magazine.

الثلاثاء، 15 سبتمبر 2015

10 best books to help you pass your Six Sigma certification

 By Sarah Morgan

The business methodology of Six Sigma can help your business to improve output by identifying and then removing, the causes of errors.

We’ve conducted research into which books on the market are best to help you get your Six Sigma Yellow, Green or Black belt certification. We then cut them down to a list of 10, to ensure whatever help you need within Six Sigma, there’s a book here for you.

Six Sigma Yellow Belt

The Six Sigma Yellow Belt course, with no real prerequisites, can give you a broad understanding of Six Sigma practices and methodologies that you can implement into your business right away. More Yellow Belt info can be found here.

1. Certified Six Sigma Yellow Belt Exam Secrets Study Guide: CSSGB Test Review for the Six Sigma Yellow Belt Certification Exam by  CSSYB Exam Secrets Test Prep Team 
ISBN: 978-1516700301

It covers an enormous amount of topics. One of the most comprehensive books out there and is specifically designed to help you study for the exam. As well as being extremely well-researched, it highlights tactics and areas of focus that’ll be useful when in the Yellow Belt exam room.


  • Practice questions
  • 5 secret keys to exam success
  • A vast list of topics like CTQ, Quality Function Deployment and Gantt Charts

How good is it?

It’s one of the best Six Sigma books on the market focused on exam tips, and could provide you with the exam technique that could make the difference in helping you get the knowledge to pass.

2. The Six Sigma Yellow Belt Handbook by H. James Harrington & Frank Voehl 
ISBN: 978-1932828245 

Crammed with years of practical Six Sigma knowledge, this helpful handbook is both practical and insightful. You’ll learn what skills are required of someone who is Yellow Belt certified and how that will contribute to the improvement of your business. Another great plus is the inclusion of how statistical tools are important to your business.


  • What is at the heart of the Six Sigma concept
  • Statistical tools for Yellow Belt
  • A wealth of knowledge and understanding

How good is it?

It’s definitely a great Six Sigma book to have at your disposal. Although it’s primarily focused on Yellow Belt, it’s useful for any level of Six Sigma. It has the knowledge you need to get started and can also help experienced Six Sigma users with some general pointers.

Six Sigma Green Belt

When you take on the Green Belt, you’ll cover detailed measurements and analysis and learn further techniques to improve operations. A full list of topics and further info can be found here. 

3. The Six Sigma Handbook by Thomas Pyzdek & Paul Keller 
ISBN: 978-0071840538 

This handbook includes every aspect of Six Sigma from Green Belt and beyond which is what makes it so good.

The fourth edition is revised to reflect the continually progressing area of Six Sigma and comprehensively walks you through the methodology, covering improvement techniques in all possible areas.


  • Green Belt and Black Belt certification online quizzes
  • Links to walkthrough videos covering several practical processes
  • Great coverage of the sometimes neglected Lean methodologies alongside Six Sigma

How good is it?

A great in-depth guide, giving you understanding that’ll definitely give you a head start in the exam. It will also help you on the job, with brilliant attention to a wide range of practical processes necessary for someone who is Green Belt certified.

4. Six SIGMA Green Belt Study Guide: Test Prep and Practice Questions for the Six SIGMA Green Belt Exam by Trivium Test Prep 
ISBN: 978-1940978789

Ever used an exam study guide that is too fluffy and takes forever to tell you what you’ll actually need for the exam? This is the antidote. It’s brilliantly streamlined for efficient studying, only giving you information that is truly helpful.


  • 100 practice questions
  • A review of every tested concept in the exam
  • Fully explained subjects that’re easy to digest

How good is it?

The most efficient and straightforward study guide for the Green Belt certification. A sure way to prepare yourself to pass the exam.

Six Sigma Black Belt

The Six Sigma Black Belt is for those who are responsible for leading projects using the Six Sigma & Lean methodologies. More info on the Black Belt can be found here.

5. The Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Handbook: Tools and Methods for Process Acceleration by Frank Voehl, H. James Harrington, Chuck Mignosa & Rick Charron 
ISBN: 978-1466554689

Another useful book that can vastly improve your understanding of Six Sigma. Built on a strong understanding, it comprehensively tackles the advanced level of Six Sigma in the Black Belt.


  • Diagrams and illustrations useful to understand the more complex frameworks and processes
  • Insight from a well-respected and distinguished group of authors
  • Exercises, worksheets and templates to assist your continuous improvement

How good is it?

This is one of the best at covering the level of detail required in the Black Belt certification. It simplifies the Black Belt methodologies, helping you to apply them to your exam and to real-world situations.

6. The Six Sigma Black Belt Handbook (Six SIGMA Operational Methods) by Thomas McCarty, Lorraine Daniels, Michael Bremer and Praveen Gupta 
ISBN: 978-0071443296

This handbook does a great job of explaining the more difficult elements of Six Sigma, integral to passing the Black Belt. It aims to make you an expert in Six Sigma, explaining how to take on multiple projects and solve complex problems.


  • A complete guide to understanding and writing financial reports
  • Project costing tools
  • Problem-solving tools like Design for Six Sigma and TRIZ

How good is it?

A very useful handbook to aid you whilst studying for the exam, as well as after you’ve passed, helping you use Six Sigma to solve tricky on the job problems. A great Black Belt resource.


There are many useful books out there that can help you generally with some, or all of the Six Sigma certifications.

7. Six Sigma For Dummies by Craig Gygi & Bruce Williams 
ISBN: 978-1118120354

It may seem too basic consulting a “For Dummies” book for help with Six Sigma, but it has great reviews and genuinely provides very useful information about the methodologies. If you’re studying for the Yellow Belt it’s a great resource to get you started. Its usefulness is not limited though, and does provide knowledge relevant and helpful to those studying both Green and Black belts and for those who want general Six Sigma guidance.


  • Top dos and don’ts of Six Sigma
  • Plenty of thorough how tos
  • Top tips for those currently in the industry

How good is it?

Amazon have made it part of their “Best Books of the Year So Far” for 2015 - it also averages 4.3 out of 5 from 39 reviews. It’s a great read for anyone in project management, let alone someone taking a Six Sigma certification.

8. Six Sigma for Managers, Second Edition (Briefcase Books Series) by Greg Brue 
ISBN: 978-0071838634

Greg Brue is CEO of Six Sigma Consultants and is a Master Six Sigma Black Belt and aims this book at the busy managers of today. His expertise provides tips for those managers of how to use Six Sigma to be successful in your field.


  • Clear definitions of Six Sigma terms and concepts
  • Specifics about tactics and improving your planning
  • The latest in practical insights and tips

How good is it?

Another of Amazon’s “Best Books of the Year So Far” for 2015. It provides an up to date perspective from someone who has mastered the field with tips that can help you pass your exam and help you on the job.

9. Six Sigma for Everyone by George Eckes 
ISBN: 978-0471281566

If you’re looking for a book that doesn’t over-complicate the concepts of Six Sigma, look no further. This is perfect for someone looking to improve their basic understanding of the Six Sigma methodology – perhaps sitting the Yellow or Green belt.


  • Straightforward explanations of terms and principles
  • In-depth examples for further insight
  • 10 basic tools each team member needs

How good is it?

Reading this will give you a solid foundation of knowledge before sitting your exam. It’s excellent at serving its purpose for those not looking to go over the top with Six Sigma.

10. The Lean Six Sigma Pocket Toolbook: A Quick Reference Guide to 100 Tools for Improving Quality and Speed by Michael L. George, John Maxey, David Rowlands and Mark Price
ISBN: 978-0071441193

An ideal reference guide for those studying both the Green and Black Belts. Contains excellent advice on how best to use the Six Sigma tools in different situations. With step-by-step instructions it can help you get a true understanding of how to carry out the processes you learn on the courses.


  • Brief summaries of the 70 most important tools in Lean Six Sigma
  • Quick and easy reference guide to the DMAIC improvement cycle
  • Concise but thorough information in a pocket sized format

How good is it?

A handy book if you’re looking for something that isn’t too dense but still provides helpful information. It’s very useful when revising for either exam.

About the Author:        
Sarah writes for Firebrand Training on a number of IT related topics. This includes exams, training, certification trends, project management, certification, careers advice and the industry itself. Sarah has 11 years of experience in the IT industry. 

الاثنين، 14 سبتمبر 2015

The Government’s Apprenticeship Levy Will Transform Apprenticeships – And Your Workforce

 By Sarah Morgan

Now apprenticeships have reached the top of the government agenda, investing in IT skills for your workforce is more crucial than ever to successful business.

In a bid to encourage British employers to invest in workforce training and create 3 million quality apprenticeships by 2020, the UK government opened consultations last month for plans to impose a tax levy to businesses to fund apprenticeships nationally.

What is the levy and how may it affect my business?

Whilst complete details are still to be released in autumn 2015, the levy is looking to rapidly enhance the skills of the UK workforce and bring to light the substantial economic benefits of hiring apprentices to businesses. 

A short summary of the levy is outlined below, sourced from the Department for Business Innovation & Skills ‘Apprenticeships Levy’ consultation document:

  • The levy is applied to larger employers, proportionate to the number of employees
  • Unused funding from employers that choose not to invest will be redirected back into the national fund, meaning those who do invest are likely to gain more from the levy than they contribute.
  • Funding will continue to be distributed via a digital voucher system to pay for the training required – regardless of size or sector.
  •  Employers can choose which apprenticeship training they purchase and use their vouchers, transferring the purchasing power to them.
  • Apprenticeships will be given equal legal footing with degrees.
  •  Employer National Insurance contributions for apprentices under 25 will be abolished

In brief, the levy holds greater value if you are committed to training your workforce. As larger competitors will have contributed to the apprenticeships scheme, they are less likely to ‘poach’ employees from those who have invested in training and more likely to become self-sufficient in building a skilled workforce.

IT apprentices – your most valuable investment

Businesses need fresh IT talent. According to the Office for National Statistics and Tech Partnership, the UK has over 130,000 vacant jobs across the IT industry per year and no suitable candidates to fill them, meaning it’s becoming increasingly expensive to hire.

With access to over 700,000 unemployed young people (UK Parliament, 2015) and a lack of IT-related degree graduates, now is the time to train either your own staff or external candidates at little to no cost. Apprenticeships are not age-discriminate and you can still receive government funding regardless of how old your apprentice is.

Firebrand can get you the talent – and fast

IT apprentices training with Firebrand will gain up to 38days of accelerated training at twice the speed, leaving more time for them to develop within your workplace. You’ll gain a certified apprentice with multiple industry-recognised qualifications from Microsoft, Cisco, CompTIA and ITIL.

With the opportunity to adapt your programme to suit the needs of the business, you also won’t be restricted to the ‘standardisation’ of normal apprenticeship programmes and you can choose which certifications will be most relevant to the job role you design.

It couldn’t be easier for you to take on an IT apprentice – we advertise apprenticeships and we recruit the candidates for you, completely free.

To start your search for an apprentice, head to our website.

Invest in your greatest asset now – fast. 

About the Author:        
Sarah writes for Firebrand Training on a number of IT related topics. This includes exams, training, certification trends, project management, certification, careers advice and the industry itself. Sarah has 11 years of experience in the IT industry.

السبت، 12 سبتمبر 2015

Apple Ipad Pro compared with Ipad


comparison of virtualization softwares : IBM vs iCore vs Odin

A recent PCWorld report  compared the leading virtualization vendors in a five-part series that ran earlier this month. Overall, VMware leads the group of vendors, which included Citrix Xen Server; Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V R2; Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization 2.2 and VMware VSphere.

social media tools comparison : hootsuite vs salesforce

الأربعاء، 9 سبتمبر 2015

Your Ultimate CISSP FAQ

 By Sarah Morgan

The CISSP is a hugely popular certification that carries a great deal of prestige and may be something you’re striving for in the future.

How much do you really know about the CISSP? This ultimate CISSP FAQ will start from the basics to ensure you know all there is to know about this gold standard security certification.

Q: What is a CISSP?

A: CISSP stands for Certified Information Systems Security Professional. Achieving the certification proves you are accomplished at the management level of information security. Developed by globally recognised (ISC)2, it has become established and well-respected within the industry and is now a key component in the selection process of Chief Information Officers.

Q: What does the course cover?

A: The CISSP course begins by ensuring you understand the concepts and principles behind information security and why they are important. You’ll then build up to learn how to protect your business from various angles and how to apply management skills to information security through (ISC)2’s eight domains.

Everything you’ll cover will be from (ISC)2’s CISSP CBK (common body of knowledge). This ensures what you learn is approved and thorough, covering all components of information security management. The full list of the domain titles are as follows:

  • Domain 1 – Security and Risk Management 
  • Domain 2 – Asset Security
  • Domain 3 – Security Engineering
  • Domain 4 – Communication and Network Security
  • Domain 5 – Identity and Access Management
  • Domain 6 – Security Assessment and Testing
  • Domain 7 – Security Operations
  • Domain 8 – Software Development Security

Q: How will it help me on a day-to-day basis?

A: The skills you’ll learn on your CISSP course will improve the depth of your knowledge, filling in gaps, and making you more skilled at what you already know and do. You will also become more proficient and prepared for dealing with a vast range of security threats.

For example, the breadth of topics covered ranges from cryptography to implementing disaster recovery processes. Whatever your current or future job role in information security, you’re sure to gain knowledge and skills that will help you on a daily basis.

Q: Who is the CISSP aimed at?

A: The CISSP is an advanced certification. This means it is directly aimed at senior and experienced security professionals who will realistically be able to pass the exam and find it useful.

However on a more grand scale, anyone looking into senior information security roles can target the CISSP as a long term goal. Even if you’re not quite the perfect candidate to take the CISSP yet, there’s nothing stopping you in the long term.

Q: What jobs can I do with a CISSP?

A: The CISSP has the potential to lift you into security roles that are the pinnacle of the field. Below are just a small sample of the sorts of job roles that you could access after becoming CISSP certified:

  • Chief Information Security Officer
  • IT Security consultant
  • Senior Security Engineer
  • Head of Cyber strategy
  • Security Specialist
  • Chief Security Architect
  • Security Assurance Analyst
  • Technology Consultant Manager
  • Cyber Security Senior Manager
  • Information Risk Manager
  • Head of Risk & Compliance

Q: How much can I expect to earn with a CISSP?

A: Of course the salary you can earn depends on what else is in your skillset and the job roles listed above do have varying salaries. According to itjobswatch.com, the lower tier of the jobs you could be doing average salaries between £40,00-£50,000. These are roles like IT Security Consultant, Security Specialist and Security Assurance Analyst.

However, the more senior roles, like Chief Information Security Officer, Head of Cyber Strategy, Chief Security Architect and Cyber Security Senior Manager, average salaries between £70,000-£100,000. The CISSP is one of the best certifications as a gateway to such high level jobs with that kind of salary and responsibility – especially in a field with such intense competition.

Q: Can anyone take the CISSP course?

A: Because the CISSP is such an advanced certification, there are prerequisites that you must meet before you are able to sit the course.

Initially, you must have at least five years of professional information security experience, as well as a university degree. The nature of the security industry also requires you to agree and commit to the Code of Ethics and criminal history check. On top of this, after passing the certification, your application must be endorsed by another qualified information security professional.

However, do not be put off. These prerequisites are only in place to ensure that you and have the experience and ability to pass the course and put what you’ve learnt into practice in the real world afterwards.

Q: What happens if I don’t meet the prerequisites?

A: If you don’t currently meet the requirements for the CISSP – (ISC)2 offer a range of courses for varying experience and skill level. The full list here.

The SSCP is designed for those who don’t meet the CISSP prerequisites. Also developed by (ISC)2 from its CBK, it covers seven very similar domains, at a lower level. The bonus is, it only requires one year of experience in the information security field – a fantastic stepping stone to get you onto the CISSP.

There are also many other security certifications that can help boost your skills. From EC-Council’s Certified Ethical Hacker, to CompTIA’s Security+, there is a certification out there than can help you get the skills you want in the security industry, whatever your current situation.

Q: What are the exams like?

A: The CISSP exam consists of 250 multiple–choice, four option questions. It’s a lot of questions, but you have six hours in which to do them. All exams are meant to test you and prove that you are a certain standard, otherwise the certification wouldn’t be worth anything. The CISSP is no different and is a tough exam to pass, hence the qualities stated in the prerequisites. But don’t feel daunted, obviously people do pass it, it just takes commitment and hard work. It’s also worth noting that the exam questions change every two weeks, so you’re not facing the same questions each time.

Q: What happens if I fail?

A: Obviously nobody likes to fail, but it doesn’t mean the end of your aspirations and possibility of you getting CISSP certified. (ISC)2 policy states you can retake an exam 3 times in a year. If it’s the first time you’ve failed it, you’ll be able to sit another exam just 30 days afterwards.

Q: When can I get on a CISSP course and get certified?

A: The CISSP is a hugely popular course, which is why there is usually always a course running soon that you can get yourself on. At Firebrand there is between 1 and 3 courses a month. The Firebrand course is also just seven days and also includes the official (ISC)2 exam at the end of it. That means depending on availability, you could be CISSP certified by the end of next week.

 About the Author:        
Sarah writes for Firebrand Training on a number of IT related topics. This includes exams, training, certification trends, project management, certification, careers advice and the industry itself. Sarah has 11 years of experience in the IT industry.

الثلاثاء، 8 سبتمبر 2015

compilation of social media salaries by expertise and location across top 100 digital marketers

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Based on the list of compilation of top 100 digital marketers

الأربعاء، 2 سبتمبر 2015

New extended List of all countries which can avail Twitter Self Serve Ads on its Platform"

Here’s the list of previous countries with access to self-serve ads:
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Denmark, Finland, Ecuador, France, Germany, Guatemala, Bahasa Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Panama, Peru, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States
Here are the countries and territories added today:

Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, American Samoa, Andorra, Angola, Anguilla, Antarctica, Antigua and Barbuda, Armenia, Aruba, Azerbaijan


Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belize, Benin, Bermuda, Bhutan, Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba, British Indian Ocean Territory, British Virgin Islands, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi


Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Cayman Islands, Central African Republic, Chad, Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Comoros, Cook Islands, Costa Rica, Cote d’Ivoire, Croatia, Curacao, Cyprus, Czech Republic


Democratic Republic of Congo, Dominica, Dominican Republic


Egypt, El Salvador, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia


Falkland Islands, Faroe Islands, Fiji, French Guiana, French Southern Territories


Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Gibraltar, Greece, Greenland, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guam, Guernsey, Guinea, Guinea-bissau, Guyana


Haiti, Heard Island and McDonald Islands, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary

–I & J–

Iceland, India, Iraq, Isle of Man, Jamaica, Jersey, Jordan

–K & L–

Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Laos, Latvia, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Liechtenstein, Lithuania


Macau, Macedonia, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Malta, Marshall Islands, Martinique, Mauritania, Mayotte, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Montserrat, Mozambique


Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, New Caledonia, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Niue, Norfolk Island, Northern Mariana Islands


Pakistan, Palau, Palestine, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Philippines, Pitcairn, Poland, Portugal

–Q & R–

Qatar, Republic of the Congo, Reunion, Romania, Rwanda


Saint Barthelemy, Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan Da Cunha; Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, San Marino, Sao Tome and Principe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Svalbard and Jan Mayen, Swaziland


Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Togo, Tokelau, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Turks and Caicos, Tuvalu

–U & W–

Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates (UAE), United States Minor Outlying Islands, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vatican City, Venezuela, Virgin Islands (US), Wallis and Futuna, Western Sahara

–Y & Z–

Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe