الأحد، 29 مايو 2016

top 5 best lessons from Apple for entrepreneurs

As an entrepreneur, you’ll hear a lot of people tell you that you need to reach out and figure out what people want, which means listening to your critics, often times more patiently than you’d like. Apple decides to flip the script and instead focus on building what they want to build, no matter the perceived cost. When Steve Jobs debuted the iPad, the critics stood in line, throwing every insult they could muster. The critics said that the iPad would fail. The numbers say otherwise

Stick to you conviction

.Each and every time Apple decided to innovate, they were laughed at. They prevailed anyway. “Great ideas often receive violent opposition from mediocre minds.”

 2. Turn the Ordinary into Something Beautiful For quite some time, PC fans enjoyed the work of buying their own parts and building their own tower systems. At the same time, PC makers were building standard hardware for standard applications. Apple would have none of that. They’ve been pioneering not only the features of standard operating systems and computer systems, but simultaneously reinventing the design standards as well. As a result, we have the gorgeous iMac, the beautiful new Macbook Air, and who could forget, the amazing iPhone 4. Where others focus on one aspect of the equation, Apple focuses on the entire product, and it shows.

Justify Your Price :We’re in a time when pricing strategies are all over the place. People don’t know what to charge, and in many cases, prefer to race to the bottom instead of pricing strategically to a market that can bear the cost.
 Once more, Apple ignores the standard by not only pricing their technology more than 2x what their competitors charge, but doing so without blinking. How can they get away with it?
The truth of the answer is twofold: 1. They build beautiful products for an audience that loves them passionately. 2. They justify their price with features and benefits that can’t be matched.

Lets look at the 4 reasons why Apple can get away with its premium pricing

  1.  No other computer can match the display of a 27” iMac…it simply can’t be done. 
  2.  No other software can match what iTunes brings to the table. 
  3.  No laptop is as thin as the Macbook Air. 
  4.  No software is more intuitive, no product more valuable than the Apple product. 
  5. Any other smartphone looks like it was developed by rookies when compared to an iPhone
    You simply cannot compare the two. " 

  6. Build a tribe :It’s no secret that Apple has built one of the most hardcore fan bases of any product and of any time. There’s a reason they’re called “fanboys.”
    But who cares, right? Most of the chatter is out of jealousy more than anything, but Apple doesn’t really care. They know that they serve an elite audience, and rather than back away from that fact, they embrace i

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