الثلاثاء، 29 مايو 2012

Cisco to retire CCIP certifcation

The Cisco Certified Internetwork Professional (CCIP)certification is set to retire on October 29, 2012. Cisco will not be issuing any new CCIP certs after that date.

If you’re interested in a professional level Cisco Service Provider certification, Cisco recommends the new Cisco CCNP Service Provider certification.

With CCIP retiring, professionals will not be able to recertify the CCIP certs after 29 October 2012.

For those who have already certified in CCIP, you may be able to get credit towards the CCNP Service Provider certification.

For more information on which CCIP exams give you  credit for CCNP Service Provider cert, visit: https://learningnetwork.cisco.com/docs/DOC-14595

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