الأربعاء، 5 سبتمبر 2012

Windows Server 2012 Released

Windows Server 2012 LogoWindows Server 2012 was finally released yesterday and it has been one of the biggest Server releases by Microsoft ever. As stated in the release video, “it’s not just a couple little fixes, it’s a huge release, and it’s a huge and different experience than we’ve had before”.

More and more users are connecting to the web and the number of devices expected to be used by 2015 is expected to be twice the population of the planet. And in addition to the millions of applications and software, tons and tons of data is being created which requires massive servers. Here’s where cloud OS takes over in Windows Server 2012

Watch all the launch videos here: www.windows-server-launch.com

You can download a free trial here: technet.microsoft.com/en

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