الاثنين، 13 يوليو 2015

the best brands this year :The brand ranking index 2015

The power of a brands power"

BRANDS have a logic and meaning of their own right. All brands  have a rich heritage But how much are they worth? Three companies that measure brand value have healthy disagreements. There is a consensus that three technology companies—Google, Apple and Microsoft—belong among the top five.  And there are significant differences about big consumer brands. as Millward Brown and Interbrand think Coca-Cola and McDonald’s are top-ten brands; Brand Finance even doesn't think that

The only option is to go with the rating the brand itself  give them themselves based on third parties  study.  Economist's own unscientific study showed that Interbrand's brand value is highest (based on 515,000 Google search results), followed by Brand Finance (at 332,000) and Millward Brown (with 212,000). The BrandZ list has a stronger brand than the consulting firm that produces it, with 1.7m results. It would be interesting to see how the three firms rank their own brands using their respective methodologies.

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