الخميس، 24 مارس 2016

how google hummingbird was the precursor to semantic search revolution


September 16th, 2013  was a  a watershed day in the history of search marketing, as Google dropped its Google Hummingbird Bombshell on  its knowledge graph as it announced that Google hummingbird was live and its search algorithm  undergone a dramatic makeover.
When hummingbird flew in, the old way of just matching up strings of characters in a search query  just went out of window. With its Hummingbird update Google changed  its core prowess from strings  to things and in the process it changed google from a search engine to a knowledge engine

The Need For Semantic Search:All  search engines compete among themselves to keep their search keywords more relevant  and in tune with users  actual intent. While a users input device might increase 10 times or 20 times, their intent does not change.. For any search engine its true test starts and begins with user intent  as it tries to understand the query itself and not only just the keywords and in the query. Once a semantic search  engine understands the context  and relevance..it will throw up the same results and meanings of their words as humans do

For example a search query "what is the height of Barrack Obama",  a conventional search engines will try to bring up pages which may have " stories on Obama, height of something, which might or might  not have any connection to Obama, news on American Presidents". This 
is a typical machine to machine learning in progress

However by  bringing on the human element ..where one user asks the other .. whats the height of Barrack Obama..Its being made amply clear  that we are interested  to know the height of the American President. This conversation is now aided by semantics

In terms of semantic search, The Hummingbird update takes the small but a significant step towards bridging the gap between machine led learning to human  based  learning. The best example of how Hummingbird update finally manages to bridge the semantic gap is this example shown below

A search for “pizza hut calories per slice” used to list an answer like this, Google said, but not one from Pizza Hut. However Now,  after the Google Hummingbird update it lists this answer directly from Pizza Hut itself, Google says

Google Hummingbird has been the precursor  to  start the  first Semantic search revolution. Semantic search technology seeks to extract entities from its databases as answers and displays personalised results based on the individuals personal  browsing habits

Hummingbird and Voice Search: Hummingbird paved the way for voice search by ability to search by speaking your query into search engine using a smartphone . The ability of the the search engine to understand spoken search queries by users intent and contextual meaning which are today used  in spoken conversation is an perfect application of using semantic technology across  search engines . 

Imagine being able to talk  to your computer the same way  you talk to your friend. 
"Hey I saw this awesome Oscar nominated bridge of spies.movie.. Why dont you watch it too? do you want me to find out wheres it playing at NJ "?
Semantic search is revolutionizing how people search because they can not merely  interact  by keywords but in conversational line . With mobile penetration burning up all records.. Voice based search is set to grow in numbers that will defy all expectations 

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