الاثنين، 4 أبريل 2016

planning a navigation for non human visitor and search bots

SITE MAP TO BE FOLLOWED  BY SEARCH ENGINE SPIDERS  : 5 ways to ensure bots visit at your web site

The most crucial fact you have to understand that the search engine does not look the same as a human visitor .By creating an robot friendly navigation  you encourage the  search bots visit your site more often which in turn  increase the visibility of your site. Increasing visits by search bots ensure your content gets indexed  faster, your cache( when google spiders visits your site the cache shows when they have visited last. If you see google's cache showing very recent visit, it means, your content is getting  updated faster,, and this improves your visibility in the SERPS.sees it.o perform better in search engine listings, your most important content should be in HTML text format. Images,
"an ideal link structure for robots"

Things not to do : Avoid Flash files, Java applets, and other non-text content and emphasis more on html pages .This is because   search bots often ignore or devalue these codes  

see the entire post below

how do you get to do this : 1) by providing search engines robots with links to navigate the through your website
 2)by pointing search engine robots to dynamic or hard to read pages that might not be able to accessible other wise.
3) By providing a possible link to landing page
4) By ensuring your 404 error has a link pointing to a page ( preferably home page 5) by using ready to use content if a page is not available or a url that is broken

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