الجمعة، 24 سبتمبر 2010

How To Kill an iPhone

Not insuring your iPhone is obviously asking for disaster. And as insurance company Worth Ave Group proves, there are some crazy situations where the insurance is really needed.

Aaron Cooper, Marketing Director, lists the top three iPhone claim categories as: liquid damage, theft and cracked screens. It's the way that the iPhone ends up this way which is most compelling.

Liquid Damage
This is often caused by dropping the iPhone down the toilet. What baffles Cooper, though, is the fact that: "Women seem to be the ones dropping them in the toilet more often." If women are the culprit for flushing an iPhone, then men certainly get the blame for the next. iPhone and beer is not a good combination. A frequent claim by college students follows a night of "hard partying."

Want to know the best time to have your iPhone stolen? Try plugging it into your speakers, and then waiting until the end of the album. That is the point where the opportune thief strikes.

Cracked Screens
There are thousands of ways to crack an iPhone screen. Although, Cooper's favourite story is from when a woman recently claimed for her iPad. She had left it on the roof of her car, only to drive off with it still on top. The iPad crashed to the ground. In her haste, having realised what had happened, she slammed into reverse to retrieve the iPad, only to run over it and really finish it off.

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