الخميس، 30 سبتمبر 2010

New Twitter Security Flaw

No sooner had Twitter fixed the 'Mouse Over JavaScript flaw', - which allowed messages to pop-up and third-party websites to open in your browser - another issue reared its ugly head. The Sophos Blog reports that Twitter has quickly removed a new worm, which posted messages from affected users' accounts saying that they loved goats (or words to that effect).

High-profile tech blogger Robert Scoble fell foul of the attack and, you guessed it, it appeared that he was admitting to a love for goats. Twitter users around the world were falling victim as soon as they clicked on: "WTF: (link)"

Upon clicking the link, users would only be a greeted by a blank screen. But the evil deed was taking place in the background, and soon the embarrassment was unveiled on their account. Although the issue was fixed, it once again highlights the security flaws waiting to be exposed on Twitter.

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