الأحد، 19 أكتوبر 2014

American Brands spends just 2.6$ billion on Advertising Spends on African American Consumer

Twitter usage : Whiter Americans vs African American

Top 5 Newspapers wth highest Arican American subscription:

Are Advertisers Ignoring African-American Media?: "African-Americans represent 14.4% of the American population, however inexplicably corporate America hasnt' been able to warm up to that segment not have increased their marketing spends on " African Americans ..Presently only 2.6 billion USD advertising dollars are spends marketing to that community which  remains abysmally low relative to overall major media ad spending. 
  1. The $2.6 billion spent with media focused on African-American audiences (on cable TV, national magazines, network TV, spot radio and syndicated TV) comprised just 2.6% of the $69.3 billion spent on those platforms last year. However this $2.6 billion represent a 7% increase from 2012 – compared  to a 2% increase in overall major media spend.
  2.  In terms of how digital media consumption by by African American's    "a recent Pew Internet study shows that "African Americans aged 65 and older have especially low adoption rates compared with whites.
  3. Just 45% of black seniors are internet users, and 30% have broadband at home (among white seniors, 63% go online and 51% are broadband adopters). African Americans trail whites by seven percentage points when it comes to overall internet use (87% of whites and 80% of blacks are internet users),

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