الجمعة، 9 ديسمبر 2016

facebook sponsored foreign technical workers who has been given h1b visa

FindTheCompany Number of H1B visa sponsored by  Facebook as it woo's  Foreign Technical Workers

Given the highly technical nature of the industry where Facebook operates, it faces a very high demand for Temporary Foreign Employees:In 2015 it had received 767 LCAs ,out of which only 3 were denied, with a H1 B certification rate of 83.4%.
Facebook's average median salary for H 1B visa holders who were foreigners were $130,000.There were 256 application for Green card Holders, from foreign technical workers,who were on H1 B visa with a certification rate of  59%.Facebook has been the most lucrative company for H-1B visa holders thus far in 2015 (of the five companies above), with a median salary of $135K across all positions.

Facebook ranks among the top when it comes to paying of Salaries for software engineers who are on H1-B visa,with the highest median salary to foreign workers while Amazon came at the button for the same jobs.The above chart from Graphiq shows you a  comparison snapshot of how Facebook has been sponsoring  H1 B visa  to highly skilled technical foreign workers over the last 5 years.

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