الثلاثاء، 23 سبتمبر 2014

Mobile Shopping at Alibaba contibutes 19% of revenues, with a 1.5% conversion rate

Mobile conversion rate of Mobile shopping in Alibaba
Alibaba Group  is the leading online commerce provider in China, offering a broad spectrum of B2B, B2C and C2C e-commerce services as well as mobile payments as well  also involved in cloud infrastructure services as well as China’s biggest online video site Youku Todou.

 Launched in 1999 as a stand-alone B2B e-commerce portal Alibaba.com, the group is now the leading e-commerce provider in Asia as its C2C online marketplace Taobao and B2C online retail platform Tmall are also the market leaders in their respective business segments. Digital buying penetration rate among internet users in China is 55.2%

In the fiscal year ending March 31, 2014, the Alibaba Group’s annual revenue amounted to 52.5 billion yuan (approximately 8.46 billion U.S. dollars) with a net income of 23.4 billion yuan (3.77 billion U.S. dollars) Local e-commerce  only from China accounts accounting for 86 percent of Alibaba’s income in 2014. While he overall share of mobile shopping revenues was 19.4% with 1.49% conversion rate

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