الخميس، 25 سبتمبر 2014

Number of Staples Retail Stores by Country

This statistic depicts the number of Staples retail locations in 2013, by country. In that year,Canada had 331 stores, Staples had 59 locations open in Germany. Staples is an American office supplies retailer with locations all around the world. With over 2,000 stores worldwide in 26 countries.  Staples is based in Framingham, Massachusetts United State

While most of the nations where Stapes in based is run under its own brand name, it has been  operating subsidiaries in Argentina as Officenet-Staples, Netherlands as Staples Office Centre, Canada as Staples Canada (Bureau en Gros in Quebec), and in Italy as Mondoffice. Staples also does business exclusively with enterprises in the United States and multiple European countries as Staples Advantage

 The company opened its first store in Brighton, Massachusetts on May 1, 198

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