الخميس، 25 فبراير 2016

how search engines use historical and temporal link data for ranking

5 ways how search engines use historical and temporal data to determine SERP ranking

while we know that links are the basic bedrocks to ranking a site and count them as a vote for the site. This concept was actually based on " citation" where an established thesis was often cited during researching for another topic, which meant that the original thesis was a vote for further research.However how do search crawlers use these links as an information ?Know more below or click here

Index inclusion :Search engines need to decide what kind of information and pages to include in their index .They do this by discovering web pages by crawling the links, if the site has more links it crawls through those pages and this  process continues as the crawlers jumps from one link to another 

In short links are used to index most parts of the world wide web, by which  search spiders collect all the relevant information which is stored in its index .The second way how search engine discover webpages with links is through Xml site maps

However one caveat here is that " search engines" do not include links to webpages which it considers to be a low value  page.. They do this as  cluttering up their index with  low quality pages impacts the search results for the user.

Crawl Rate Frequency :The search spider crawls  a portion of the world wide web every day. How do  search engine decide which sites they need to visit, where to begin and where to end 
Google has publicly stated that page rank is an indicator in which order it starts to crawl . According to Google, it starts their crawl in reverse Page Rank order. So they visit the PR 10 sites,followed by PR 9 and so on and so forth. A page with higher page rank also gets crawled much faster and more deeper

Ranking :Everything being equal , the site with the highest number of backlinks will be ranked first 

Source independence : A link back from your own site to another site run by you is not an editorial vote for your site. A link from 3rd party independent site is seen as an " actual link" which  is a vote for your site.

Among the temporal factors used for ranking are 

1)When did the link first appear.
2)When did the link disappear or become a broken link
3)How long has the link been there: A link for a larger time is a ranking factor
4)How quickly was the link added : should be organic and gradual
5) The context of the page and links pointing towards them
6)Page Placement : links at the body content  as compared to a link page at the bottom is considered more powerful and impacts ranking

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