الجمعة، 15 أغسطس 2014

5 Fascinating Infographics Covering the Chinese Social Media Landscape

5 Fascinating Infographics Covering the Chinese Social Media Landscape: "China has ramped up in the social space at lightning speed in the past few years. By the end of December 2012, China had 564 million Internet users, 50.9 million more than the year before, and representing nearly 40% of the Chinese population! I"

 Without access to the majority of social media used elsewhere in the world, the Chinese have created their own, and with super-powerful networks like Sina Weibo (about 300 million users), Renren (200 million), Tencent Weibo (425 million), Tudou (431 million users) and more, it’s clear to see that China is now truly a world leader online.

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