الاثنين، 1 يونيو 2015

The 5 parameters which google uses to rank mobile friendlness

"google search ranking  parameters"

The 5 functionalities which google considers relevant for your site's mobile friendliness

The new Google mobile friendliness  search update has been a watershed in the history of search marketing.Its an indication of how the Internet is moving towards digitally connected devices  and how "the nature of search" is moving from content driven approach towards  functional led approach

The chart shows what you need to actively invest in when it comes  to your key focus areas. Feature and functionality are the  biggest  issues when it comes to your mobile site.Assume if a person who does not know " a mobile search" from a desktop search who is suddenly asked to  navigate your sites content on a smartphone.That is half the problem solved. Make use of sliders  including collapsible content.Ensure your call to actions is prominently displayed  via big buttons.The contact us  functionality should be based on click to call and click to sms. 

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