الثلاثاء، 25 نوفمبر 2014

61 billion USD to be spent Online by US consumers this holiday season, 8% to come from mobile commerce

Infographic: American Holiday Shoppers to Spend $61 Billion Online | Statista
This chart illustrates the rise of holiday season e-commerce spending in the United States from 2005 through 2013 and a forecast of 2014 spending.

The above chartshows the US holiday Spends  since 2005 onwards, and predicts that the Holiday Online  Spends including ( Black Friday and Cyber Monday )  is estimated to touch  61 billion US dollars., that's a projected growth of 22% .

This number is based   according to comScore's official holiday spending forecast. Mobile commerce is expected to contribute $7.9 billion to this year's total, which would represent a 25% jump over last year's mobile sales

#mobile shopping, #mobile commerce,#cyber monday

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