الاثنين، 24 نوفمبر 2014

Mobile Sales to contribute 31% of online sales during holidays,to $418 billion

Mobile spending durng holidays

It would be interesting to see the face off between Android vs iOS  this  during the holiday season  eCommerceLast November, the average order placed on a mobile Apple iOS device was $121.48, compared to just $89 for Android devices, according to a new IBM report

The data also shows that while we do more web-surfing with smartphones (accounting for 24% of all website traffic, compared to 14% via tablets), consumers are more inclined to make purchases on tablets (11.5% of website sales) than smartphones (5%). 

A recent forecast  by adobe digital predicts that 31% of online sales will be generated via 
smartphones and tablets, up from 21% in  2013 with Mobile Sales touching $418 million 

The forecast from Deloitte calls for a 4% to 4.5% overall increase in consumer holiday season spending

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