الجمعة، 6 يونيو 2014

Lessons from Pepsi on social media failure :3 mistakes a brand needs toavoid

In 2010, Pepsi pulled its Super Bowl ads and invested $20 million into its Refresh project, which employed crowdsourcing to support good causes. It was an astounding social media success, with more than 87 million votes cast.
Unfortunately, as this Harvard Business School case study points out, it was an abysmal business failure and Pepsi eventually fell to third place in the soda category, behind Diet Coke. For all of the hype and hoopla on social media, sales suffered dearly.
So what does it take for a brand to be successful on the social web ,for every gigantic Pepsi fied there had been  astounding success  for  a nondescript companies,who despite lack of  marketimg muscle power ,has been able to strike gold in the social media battleground
No 1 : don't mistake the social web as a substitute to mainstream media : in fact there is nothing called mainstream media or conventional media .. It's just  another brick in the distribution wall ..
No 2: Gettimg carried away by success stories ... Marketing success do not work by precession of an google bot algorthim , nor by a creative excellence ... The only think which works is "execution .. Eccentricity and Elimination .. To know what that means  , jump to the Harvard case study link above 

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