الثلاثاء، 10 يونيو 2014

Why Content Consumption across desktop and mobile are Inversely proportional

Content Adoption rates by devices
Data from the Millennial Media platforms " Mobile Mix " insights reveals something very interesting.. insights.
Apparently .. marketers have figured out why " Mobile Medium " is going to last a long long time
Consider this .. did you know  that the most watched  content category across  mobile is  the least watched in desktops ?The data in the above chart ..( see the bottom 3 and the top 3 categories ) and the time a desktop user spends on each as compared with the mobile use

While Photos,maps and gaming  stands lowest  in terms  of " engagement time" across desktop, the same 3 categories tops  across " mobile devices, so as  92% Mobile users spent highest time browsing photos, desktop users  spends a   mere 8% of their time on the same activity

Mapping and Gaming category" interaction time among desktop users are  14 and 22% respectively, while mobile users  spent a whopping  86 and 78% on the same activity
Health and News consumption was highest in Desktop, which explains that "Mobile are devices used for casual purposes, and most often than not "a non serious activity", considering its ubiquitous  nature, which is  used on the go.. (where  users can multi task ).

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