source : emarketer
The chart shows the media spends of the top 5 nations and the percentage of which is spent on digital marketing.
The UK ranks no 1 as the country where the ratio of digital to total media spends is the highest. 50% as compared to US and China's 33%
Around 26% of total media spends by the 5 nations US, China, Japan, UK, Germany is spent on digital. The US ranks no 1 across both total media spends and digital media spends, spending $180 billion and $50billion respectively.
China ranks no 2 with $64 billion and $24 billion spent respectively on both mediums. Digital spends in both China and US makes up one third of the total media spends in both the countries
Japan with $40 billion and ranks 3rd in total media spends, however it ranks 4th in digital spends, while UK with a mere $24 billion total media spends allocates 50% on digital . This makes UK the biggest spender on digital marketing calculated in terms of percentage ratio
Germany and Japan both spends a fourth of its total media spends on digital., with Germany spending $27 billion compared to %6.29 billion Japan and $40 billion and $9.07 billion
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