الجمعة، 13 مارس 2015

Breakup of Italy's Advertising Spending by Media in 2015

TV, Internet and Newspapers among top 3 media advertisers

The bulk of media advertising spends in Italy continues to be the TV, Internet and Newspapers  with TV topping the list . TV advertising in Italy makes the largest pie of media ad spends with $3.4 billion being spent on the medium in 2015.

However the last few years has seen TV ad spends in Italy  decline  by  an average of 12%, except 2014 when it declined by 3%.

Next comes internet and newspapers where  media ad spends are projected to reach $1.2 billion and 698 million this year in Italy

However the last 4 years has seen significant cuts in media spends across both television  and print ,while TV spends declined every year since 2011.( In 212 and 2013 it has seen the biggest declines of 15% and 13% respectively) 

In 2015 media advertising spends on Newspapers in Italy is set to reach $698 million 

Meanwhile Italy's ad spends across the internet has been showing brisk growth (which after growing by 122% in 2011 recorded 5% growth since the last few years) 
In 2015 Italy is likely to see 6.8% growth in media spends across the digital channel , as it set to surpass $1.2 billion.

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