الجمعة، 13 مارس 2015

Chart of the day :How many Tablet PCs have been sold in US since 2010 :

The   tablet economy


This timeline shows THE  sales figures for tablet PCs in the United States from 2010  TO 2014 projected forecast  for 2015-2016

 According to Appleinsider  a total of 57.1 million tablet PC will be sold in  US during 2015.

 Media Tablets have been growing briskly in the US and  the initial sales chart reflect a typical  product life cycle chart  almost replicating  the  the growth of tablets exploded during its initial years ( 2010 to 2012 )

US Tablet sales zoomed from  10 million to 26 million in 2011 ( 2.5  times it sold in 2010 ) followed by 50% growth in 2012

After 22% growth  in the number of tablets sold in 2013, sales have started to slow down as it struggled to reach 10% growth in 2014 .Last year saw  53 million units, which is estimated  to reach  57 million this year in 2015. 

The last 4 years( 2010-2014) has seen 122 Tablet  units shipped across US  .

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