الثلاثاء، 14 أبريل 2015

most downloaded gaming apps vs most expensive cost per installs (CPI)

most downloaded  gaming apps vs    most expensive cost per installs (CPI)

The above chart shows    the share of global gaming app markets in term of downloads, and the CPI ( cost per index)

Gaming apps are led by 1)Strategy games.2) Simulations 3) role play 4) Puzzle and Cards respectively.Strategy gaming apps have the highest marketshare among gaming apps 

The Y axis shows he cost per installs of the same gaming apps. As with everything Its the logic of economic demand and supply that comes into place  here . Publishers/developers  would want their apps be present across " high volume and high engagement categories like  " Strategy" which has the highest category marketshare.". Naturally this will have the highest CPI ( cost per installs 
 research data powered by Inmobi

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