The lastest data from Apple's earning call shows that the iphone commands 68% revenue in Apple's overall product revenue share with mac and ipad contributing 9 and 12% respectively in the first quarter of 2015.Revenues from iPhone meanwhile increased by 57% compared to same time in 2014 ,while ipad revenues was down by 21%.Revenues from mac grew by 8%. in 2015 as compared to the same time last year in 2014
Mobile data growth over the last few years have been powered by the rapid rise in mobile video and this trend shows no signs of slowing down. As Cisco reported in their recent Visual Networking Index (VNI) study ,the volume of mobile broadband (MBB) traffic has been doubling every year, reaching 1,577 Petabytes per month in 2013 (the equivalent of 500 billion .mp3 files or 800 million hours of streaming HD video ) and is forecast to reach 11,156 Petabytes by 2017. This chart illustrates how mobile data has been increasing year on year.
global sim connections penetration ( is measured as connections divided by total population) is and indicator of increasing economic activity which seem to be rising rapidly in all regions and by 2017 is expected to be well in excess of 100% in all major regions except Africa (which will reach 97%). In fact in Europe SIM penetration will be over 200%, with North American and CIS greater than 185% and Latin America, Middle East and Asia Pacific greater than 115%.
While the Google update for mobile is almost near . I just received an update on a emarketer post which said " nearly half of Fortune 500 websites were not mobile-friendly according to Google’s standards .Post the new update by google on the importance of mobile site optimization,, Fortune 500 websites have got hit . while we will be sharing this data in details, a recent research by ADLIFT showed the CTR's dropped significantly if you are not present in the first page for google mobile search(CTRs) For example, results for branded keywords fell from 46.4% CTR for position one to 10.8% for position two.Q1 2015
47% of Google’s North America organic traffic was driven by mobile—up 3 percentage points quarter over quarter and 11 points year over year. Across all engines,mobile has started to power more users as search traffic driven by mobile rose 54% in the first quarter of this year, vs. 14% for overall search visits. -.Over time " mobile will dominate search to an extent.. that " user experience will primarily led by " mobile users"
China is on the verge of replacing Europe as apple's no 2 biggest revenue making region after growing an at impressive a 70% growth in Q1,2015. For Apple the growth in Chinese market has surpassed all expectations. Europe's loss is china's gain as Apple is set to make China its second home after America, the original bastion of Apple. So far Apple's revenue was centered around America which in Q12015 has seen its revenue growing by 23% compared to the 20% growth from European market. In comparison it has seen 70% growth from the Chinese market during the same duration .Apple's Asia Pacific revenue too showed an impressive 33% growth.
Paid search email marketing and organic search are among the top 3 digital channels which marketers believes is the easiest and most effective to judge ROI on their spends.This data is based upon a survey of respondents who were active on digital spending ,58% which are on the client side marketing professionals
Affiliate marketing, display advertising, webinars,social media, online video and mobile advertising makes the top 10 list of most easiest to measure ROI distribution channels
Apple's seem to be loosing its leadership position in the tablet market . Apple was the first to enter this market back in 2010 and seems to have lost their way since its heydays in 2013 when it was in its height of popularity. Tim Cook had termed the dip in sales a speed bump last year. However it seems that this bump is beginning to slowly look like the entire road is bumpy
So how did this happen ? : Blurring of lines between the ipad mini and iphone and original ipad: The ipad mini killed the market for apple. The ipad was the kind of Tablet users liked. Stylishly designed..just the right size.The mini killed this market as " it only served to giveusers the message that even an standard smartphone can be a tablet .Plus the pricing played a big role with the iPhone 6 Plus costing about the same as an iPad mini up front.
The chart shows how Phablets has sounded the death knell for Tablets
Below the cannibalization of the iPad is shown in a chart from Credit Suisse. Characterizing phablets as “4+ inches” seems a little out of date, but the point is clear, phablets like the iPhone 6 are eating into tablet share across the board.
Apple's latest earning report for Q1,2015 shows "iPhone sales have been growing at a ridiculous high rate , and iphones now accounts for around 70% or two-thirds of Apple's revenue. Macs continue to grow at a respectable rate. However apple's hold on iPads continue to weaken and take another sharp year-over-year tumble. Meanwhile apple grew its profit by over 38% and revenue by over 29% in Q1,2015 amidst notching up another impressive quarterly result.Apple broke quarterly records in 2015, Q1 with $18 billion in profit and $74.6 billion in revenue, compared to $13.1 billion in profit and $57.6 billion in revenue in Q1 of 2014
This chart from statista shows Apple iPod touch sales in the United States from the third quarter of 2007 to the second quarter of 2012 .The Apple iPod was released first in 2001 and since the initial release, the iPod has developed and evolved and at present there are 4 different versions available on the market: the iPad Nano, iPod Shuffle, iPod touch and iPod classic. While the market for MP3 players has been declining Apple has and continues to dominate sales and market share in this area . During the above time Apple has sold 46.5 million iPod touch units in the US between the device's introduction in 2007 and the second quarter of 2012
Yesterday Britain’s young entrepreneurs showcased their digital skills at the iDEA final, hosted by HRH The Duke of York, KG, where they pitched their businesses to a prestigious audience.
With the chance to win up to £15,000 and support from Microsoft, Barclays and Facebook for their digital businesses, the stakes were high.
The prestigious event was hosted by the Duke of York
To reach this final stage, teams of 14-25 year olds proved they had what it takes to become the young entrepreneurs of tomorrow. To do this, they had to demonstrate their skill by taking a business idea from concept to prototype.
Ten talented young teams reached the final, hosted on Monday at St James’ palace. Each team made their pitch, and the winners were announced – congratulations to the young entrepreneurs behind Candle Path, Learner Lane and YOMA Education!
Meet the entrepreneurs of tomorrow
The award ceremony was introduced with an original video from George the Poet, created especially for iDEA.
After pitching their businesses, alongside working prototypes, the winning teams of young entrepreneurs were chosen by a panel of high profile judges, including: Ian Livingstone MBE, Eileen Burbideg of Passion Capital and Annika Small of Nominet Trust.
When describing the winners, The Duke said: “This is the pinnacle of what we’re trying to achieve with iDEA: it is the use of the digital world in order to provide solutions. All of these young people have solved some unique and specialist challenges. I believe they can be standard bearers for all the ideas that are out there”
Ian Livingstone, chairman of the judging panel and founder of Games Workshop, announced the three winners:
Candle Pathis a mobile application designed to use open data and advanced algorithms to get you from A-B using the safest routes – ideal after a night out / leaving work late. The app will be receiving a re-brand and will launch under the name Luna.
The young entrepreneurs behind Learner Lane help students excel by simplifying the process of one-on-one tutoring. Users can search by postcode and book a vetted academic tutor in minutes.
Four talented young entrepreneurs created YOMA Education - an app that aims to enrich the communication and learning of children with autism. With user friendly AI and easy-to-use functionality, YOMA hopes to improve the quality of learning for autistic students.
Getting you home safely - Candle Path
Candle Path, Learner Lane and Yoma Education will now each receive £15,000 to develop their ideas, as well as professional mentoring and support from Microsoft Ventures, Barclays and Facebook.
The young team behind YOMA Education
A win for Learner Lane
What is iDEA?
Launched in March 2014 by the Duke of York and Nominet Trust, iDEA supports young people by helping them build skills in digital and enterprise arenas. The competition is open to 14-25 year olds and applicants work in teams of 2 – 4. This year’s competition saw participation from over 700 young people.
Sign up for next year
If you have a passion for digital technology, and want to see your idea become a reality – sign up now and you’ll be notified once the competition opens again in September 2015.
About the Author: Sarah writes for Firebrand Training on a number of IT related topics. This includes exams, training, certification trends, project management, certification, careers advice and the industry itself. Sarah has 11 years of experience in the IT industry.
Chart depicting Global digital ad spend as a part of overall total media spends across geographical regions
The chart by emarketer shows the patterns of digital spending across global marketplace for the last 5 years 2011 to 2016 (projected). In 2015 with 28% share of digital media spending Western Europe and North America both rank no 1 in the world. These regions are followed by Asia Pacific which ranks no 2 with approx 24% spends across the digital media in 2015.Eastern Europe and Latin America with 21% and 13.4% spends across online ranks 3rd and 4th respectively
Both China and Japan are almost neck to neck in terms of media ad spending . However China piped ahead of Japan in ad investments by $3.4 billion in 2014.At that point. China today accounts for 31% of Asia-Pacific’s media spending and ranks second only to the US in ad spending worldwide.
The maturing of Asia-Pacific’s mobile ad market made it the 2nd biggest market with investments reaching nearly $2.7 billion.Among the most developed was Japan with accounted for $1.7 billion, or 65% of the region’s total. By 2016, mobile ad spending in Asia Pacific will total $6.2 billion, driven by a surge in growth in China, India and Indonesia. Japan’s share is expected to drop to 43.1%.. as china will continue to see unprecedented growth
The above chart from businessinsider shows the list of the start ups which reached valuation upwards of 2$billion and more in the fastest record time .Slack, Groupon and Akamai are among the list of top 3 brands followed by Akamai, Xiaomi and Calient tech . To know more about these start up, you can explore their detailed coverage here
You will find more statistics at Statista While the white house preparaes for its next President, four candidates are running for president in the United States in 2016. Three of them are Republicans - Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Rand Paul, while one is a Democrat - Hillary Clinton. Interestingly, their campaign logos have made waves on social media with Hillary Clinton's in particular coming in for some criticism. According to a poll by YouGov, Hillary Clinton's logo is disliked by 55 percent of the public - the highest level among the candidates. Hillary's team could probably use crowdsourcing to tap, social media user community and make them a part of her campaign.
Top 5 Product categories in australia which are increasingly being purchased by mobile. The no 2 chart tries to find the impact on mobile ads on purchase decesions
The average Australian mobile media consumption stands at 7.5 hours daily, out of which almost 230 minutes are spent on online ,tablet and mobile.TV usage is at 109 minutes while radio usage stands at 83 minutes..
How do Australian users use their mobile to shop and transact online . Here are some data released by Inmobi
1)digital goods formed the highest part ( 48%) mobile shopping among all product categories . These goods were a)paid apps b) subscription services,ebooks, audio books, c)streaming music,, audio and video ,music on demand, d) other subscription based services like online news ,
2)Meanwhile 44% aussies pay theirs utility payments(bills./invoices ) on the mobile
30% of physical goods, including, gadgets, devices, consumer electronics along with clothes and apparel have been purchased via mobile
The above chart from statista shows the top 20 most valuable french brands. .With a brand value of about USD 20.21 billion, BNP Paribas was the leading French brand in 2014.Among the top 5 are Orange, AXA , GDF Suez and Airbus.
In south korea, out of 5.7 hours of media usage daily,TV and Smartphones usage now are almost equal .TV usage stands at 88 minutes ,followed by 83mins spend online from a desktop or a laptop .This is closely followed by mobile usage which stood at 81mins and tablets with 38mins Interestingly the highest number of mobile ads seen by south korean users was via an app,39% as compared to 36% via search engine
Chinese users spends 50% of the total media consumption time on internet access from mobile and web. Chinese users spend 140 minutes online and a further 111 minutes spent on mobile out of a total 6.9 hours of media time .According to a Q1 ,2015 report on mobile consumption trends in china,Inmobi reports that Entertainment and games forms 43% of most activities done on mobile . In china digital advertising is a big influencing factor as compared with TV and other media advertisements and outstrips any other media with a ratio of 3:1 .
Morgan Stanley's projection expects iwatch to do more than 250million shipments after 9 quarters. Each apple product has sold faster than the product that came before it. Morgan Stanley thinks that the iWatch will sell faster than the iPad.
Apple's first wearable gadget went on sale on Friday and for a change unlike any Apple product launch.. there was no huge lines outside apple stores across Apple Europe and US. No cameras waiting to interview user who unboxed their first iwatch ..For Apple this marks its entry its what is being seen as the biggest thing since the smartphone boom .. as the wearbles" aim to bridge the gap between gadget and a human function While Apple belives it would ship upwards of 20-26million iwatch this year.Apple's own supply vendors indicate their production is set to ship 2million and more iwatc in the current quarter Firms in the supply chain estimate Apple will ship 2 million watches per month in the current quarter, said one of the sources
Mobile Internet Spending across Latin american nations of Brazil ,Argentina and Mexico is led by Brazil which spends $249million on mobile internet followed by Mexico with $214million and Argentina with $23.6million
Meanwhile web ad spends was dominated by Brazil which spent $2.64billion followed by Mexico's $1billion. Argentina ranked 3rd with a mere $460million spends on digital
This chart shows UK cities having the lowest number of business start ups.Belfast had a rate of 28 start-ups per 10,000 population, which is the lowest among all UK cities,compared with a rate of 95.6 in London..The cities of Dundee,Stoke,Telford and Sheffield has the lowest ration of start ups in UK with an average of less that 35 start ups per 10,00 people.
Q1,2015 has seen google increase both its profit and revenue .While its profitability grew by 4% to reach $3.59bn (£2.37bn) its revenue rose 12% in Q1,2015 to reach $17.3billion. This was mainly due to 11% online ad revenue growth which touched $15.5bn. Google's core revenue, which excludes payments to traffic partners stood at $13.91b. Out of a total digital spends of $145billion,,Google accounted for 31.42% of global spends compared to 31.86% in 2013. Meanwhile facebook ' commanded 8% of global ad spends.One of the reason on why google has failed to add a bigger pie of the total $145b ad spends, is due to the fact that US and China make up 50% of $145 global ad spends.The Chinese market is still hardwired by Chinese players and for Google this is obviously hurting .Google lost mobile ad market share in 2014, down to 38.2% in 2014 from 46% in 2013, with Facebook’s ad share up from 16.4% in 2013 to 17.4% in 2014.( data : emarketer)
To market the Xperia Z4 smartphone ..Sony offered James Bond star Daniel Craig a $5 million fee to promote the latest James Bond movie Spectre . However the offer was rejected by both daniel Craig and Director Sam Mendes , as they dint want brand james bond " brand persona to be "affected by any marketing tieups unless Sony's Z4 was indeed the best across its category. Earlier James Bonds movie have had product placement tie ups with KFC,BP, Avis among several others
However in most of bonds movie he is shown to be a using a satellite phone and not a smartphone .
Based on hacked email transcripts " during the last december Sony Hack,it was revealed that producer Barbara Broccoli, the daughter of James Bond movie series creator Albert Broccoli, wanted Sony to bolster its $18 million commitment to marketing Spectre with payments to the cast and crew for using its phones.
The worlds first portal Yahoo which had the biggest user base in the hey days of the internet is in dire straits And Marissa Mayer has not been able to even pause its rapid decline,although has managed to make Wall street happy .Marissa Mayer has not shown her midas touch which she was expected to bring at Yahoo.
One of the most important indicators of a websites relevance is the ratio of online users spend on the web versus the time it spends on your site. Although this is a relative metric as both the constants changes. However if you see the above chart. you will know why " today's internet users are slowly moving away from Yahoo,
Brand value of the leading 10 most valuable brands in the United Kingdom (UK)
Vodaphone, HSBC and Shell are among Britain's most valuable brands by their brand value based on Millward Brown brand index. The data above shows the top 10 brands and their intrinsic brand value based on the index developed by Millward brown.Vodafone was the top ranked most valuable brand of the United Kingdom with a brand value of about 36.28 billion U.S. dollars . BP, Tesco and BP ranks 4th 5th and 6th respectively
If this chart gets you thinking.. consider some more facts.If you look at the bottom of the pyramid with total base of 3.2 billion consumers,this is where the biggest piece of cake lies, this is where brands and marketers are investing their money on with $7.3 trillion riding on these numbers The latest gadgets, the latest ultra book, the same iPhone .. but hey its on the wrists ..and that curved LED TVs' which dazzled you.. the same way you got dazzled by that ad which showed how "women would swoon on your after applying that deodorant, which you dint like anyway.. but then again you went into another dazzle-land and now again got dazzled by that pretty looking sales girl and could not just tell her no..!!!
This is where the market likes and its no secret why the at the top, 32 million people control $98.7 trillion – that’s 41 percent of the world’s wealth.. While 3.2 billion people control a mere $7.3 trillion. This means that 3% of the total wealth is managed by 68.7 percent of the world’s adult population
New York is truly home to the best and the brightest . The biggest movers and shakers across technology companies, manufacturing and services. No other states powers the US economy better than New York. Its not surprising at all to see NY having the highest super rich ( High Net Worth Individuals ) exceeding 8000.. The no 2 US state having the highest (HNI ) is shared by Los Angeles and San Francisco which are the cradle of the tech industry with 4945 and 4840 HNI's respectively .LA has 105 more HNI's compared to SF The number 3 is Washington with 2675 HNI's followed by Chicago with 2665 super rich Houston and Dallas with 2490 and 2240 rounds off the 4th and 5th position respectively Atlanta, Seattle and Boston takes the 6th, 7th and 8th position who has the highest number of HNI's in US
, the cradle of the tech industry wit 4,945 superich .